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Old 10-29-2006, 03:45 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by BasicPatrick View Post
Having also met the man I took him to be a hustler type which is not unusual for a fisherman. I took him to be not that bright but did not get the feeling he was dishonest. Of course there is a bunch of exaggeration as the years go by but it is my experience that ALL fishermen exaggerate so that is not enough reason for me to doubt his catch.

Another thing I keep in mind on this subject is that all humans and fishers in general do not relay or re tell info accurately. Those that know me know this is a pet peave of my own and I can usually disqualify a great deal of any repor given to me after a few simole questions. My point is that a lot of the discrepencies in his story have come from inaccurate re telling by other fishers. This added to normal eaggeration and this is not enough for me to think him a cheat.

Finally, I have direct experience that when anyone gains a good catch there will always be many to go negative in one way or another.

Bottom line is we all will beleive what we beleive and in the end...those that care enough to go negative about the man need to go fishing and shut up.
Nicely put Basic!
Its sad how “Sportsmen” always get around to bashing the leader, the winner, etc. A simple congratulation is just not in the cards. I do believe what was said earlier in this thread, it was more than likely the single most fish scrutinized fish in history! I was on another site, where they were talking about Bill Major and his situation earlier this year... Their were a couple of folks implying, that all winners of tournaments cheat to win!
My comment was what a sad statement!
I don’t know what drives this thinking other than what some one mentioned earlier in this thread, its jealousy! I have made my statements regarding Bill in other post. If he is not knocked off with a larger fish by November 30, he will win the Governors cup for 2006. By looking at the picture of Al’s fish, and the way the belly droops on the fish, If Al wanted to cheat he could have stuffed ten, may be even fifteen pounds of dead fish into it, and made it an 88 pounder. In the picture I would say the fish was eating, and still hungry. He does consider it a curse. If you read what he has written, he clams’ he and his family have received death threats over this catch. May be the threats are also coming from the jealous ones!
Here is another link that may answer some other question.
Basic, I like the flag you fly under!
Later, L

You are only as good as the person who’s driving the boat! By the way, the Devil drives my boat!
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