Thread: John Kerry
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Old 11-01-2006, 03:53 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by "uffah!!" View Post
And as someone said, even if the Dems swept both houses of congress, the policy in Iraq is still uo to Bush for the next two years. The House and Senate really can't do much about it without damaging themselves.
Nonsense. They can return to their proper role providing oversight rather than just rubberstamping bad policy and hiding the aftermath from the voters.

Think of how Iraq would be different today had the GOP had the spine to question the critical and blatantly obvious policy blunders before our blood and treasure was on the line.

Bush is done, a lame duck if there ever was one. and for two years not a damn thing will be done. The Dems will pass legislation that won't mean $hit. The sole reason they will pass it is so they can make claims in the 2008 election,"we tried to fix it "!! Thats just the way the Dems work.
What's ironic is that the entire purpose of the Republican Congress has been to focus on issues people don't care about (i.e. gay people and flag burning) so they can have their "wedge issues" come election time, and to fleece the taxpayer by growing the budget defecit to funnel billions to special interests.

As bad as you think the Dems could be, face it, you've hit ROCK BOTTOM.

Where's Barry Goldwater when we need him!

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