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Old 11-18-2006, 10:35 AM   #71
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Raised Catholic but kind of lost "my faith" if you will. See I think its a choice everyone needs to make for themselves not something that is forced upon you. I have no problem with people that are highly fact I almost envy them for having "that thing" that gets them through life. But I have a very hard time beleiving it. if there is anything I beleive in its karma I guess. You get what you give. You will be treated in the end as you have treated others.

Assuming there really is a "heaven" and "hell".....
How can you tell me that a hard core criminal can steal, lie, cheat, or hurt people but confess their sins and go to church every sunday and still go to heaven when an atheist can live his or her life being honest, hard working, and good to others but still burn in hell because they didnt believe that their "higher power" was god?

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