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Old 12-31-2006, 03:01 PM   #5
Mag Power
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 3
Originally Posted by BigFish View Post
Went to open a new Ipod dock I got for Christmas know that plastic packaging they use on alot of stuff these days??? It can't be ripped, cut, torn or anything without a great deal of trouble and you run a better than average chance of cutting the bejesus out of your hand before you are done?!?!?!? You know....that stuff??? Why the hell do they feel the need to human proof this stuff???? Why can't they just pack it in good old, biodegradeable cardboard???? Not to mention its less expensive!!!
Sonic-welded (ultrasonic vibrations) polyethylene terephthalate (aka PET/PETE). PET = same stuff as Coke Bottles.

Was there an anti-theft magnetic strip sandwiched inside the packaging where it couldn't be easily removed? If so......

Most likely answer......cost relative to function. Function.......among others, anti-theft. Unfortunately, there are many people out there who are not as honest as you. They'd rather get something for nothing.

I could be wrong. I've never seen that particular package. But from your description, I think I know what you're talking about.
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