Thread: Propane
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Old 01-26-2007, 04:51 AM   #22
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: plymouth ma
Posts: 15
I live in Plymouth in a neighborhood that was built 5 years ago. When the builder went to have the tanks installed he went to the fire chief and he was told the safest way to store propane was a tank in the ground. I set up homeowners through an agent on the cape and the company sent a guy out to take pictures of the property and basically check things out. Two weeks later I got a note from the insurance company stating they were cancelling my insurance because of the tank being buried. The agent then set me up with the fair plan through the state which im sure the cape guys on here know all about. The premium through the state almost doubled. So i called another agent who used other insurance companys and got insurance through them at the original rate. They basically told me that it depends on what insurance company you use and that if one company decides they dont like the color of your house they can just drop you.
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