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Old 02-15-2007, 12:53 PM   #11
kevin d
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Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman View Post
See, I see it the other way....what's the BFD that she took her clothes off for a magazine. I don't see how that impacts her job performance.

The US Navy has spent Decades traveling the High Seas and grabbing at any piece of tail they could get there hands on, We had the most Extensive Adult Film Library in existence on my ship and would pump them through the onboard TV on a semi-regular basis. we had officers window shopping in Amsterdam on their AMEX cards....and that is all OK.

But This chick poses for Playboy (we ain't talking Hustler Here) and they bounce her butt out. Serious Double Standard.

and its Long been known that we seriously underpay our military. I see nothing wrong with trying to supplement your income....legally. she didn't break any laws.

Its also not like she pumped out a 1/2 dozen kids and kicked back on welfare doing nothing. She had the average american family, a husband and 2 kids....and she served as well as her husband who served.

I think the military needs to chill out on this one
The key here is that she is not only held accountable to civil law but to the Uniform Code of Military Justice. She chose to live under those rules and regulations and is upset that when she violated them, she paid the price. As for the theory that just because someone else did something wrong so she shouldn't be held accountable for her actions, didn't that go out the window in 5th grade? You remember you folks saying "If Johnny jumped off the bridge would you jump too?" I personally don't care if she poses naked but it annoys me that she thinks the military is wrong for disciplining her for violating policies she knew she was violating.
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