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Old 02-16-2007, 01:43 PM   #16
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One other thing you guys...and this is the part that hurts...I knew about this last february...and joked about it to my wife and others "I painted so many lures this year i look like arnold swarzenegger in my finger" no bs it never ever once crossed my mind that it was anything other than a muscle that had built up. last summer i noticed it had gotten bigger but STILL chalked it up to a built up muscle. ONLY when i grabbed something one day and had a twinge of pain/uncomfortable feeling in my hand/finger did i stop that night while having a cold one and remember that had happened, looked at it closer then started thinking about it and realized maybe something wasn't quite right. My doctor immediately diagnosed it as a tumor and sent me directly to the hand surgeon. mri's, doc appts, etc later and everything pointed to a tumor in the joint which by now had started causing pain on a fairly regular basis because of where it was. Doc says it's the largest one he had ever seen..great couldn't have been a bass huh?

REASON I tell you all this is maybe one person will benefit and stop something before its too late. I'm a very healthy but overweight guy and never ever expected anything like this, but looking back on it now i realize how STOOPID i was to not have this looked at when i first noticed it. If you ever see something that has any chance of being something not right get it checked out before it's too late.
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