Thread: sales people
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Old 03-09-2007, 11:16 AM   #12
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Location: S. Yarmouth, MA
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We wanted to buy furniture from one of the outlets in N. Carolina, but you need model nnumbers. I knew a store that advertised the brand we wanted so we took the whole family. I had to keep distracting the saleslady so my wife could get the model numbers. I guess I pulled a BrianS, because I never lied to the lady. She asked if I was sure I was going to buy the diningroom set. I said, "Positive". She asked if I would need it delivered. I said "Definitely, and as soon as possible." She asked how we'd be paying, I said, "Probably a certified check." Knowing from when we bought bedroom furniture from N.C. that furniture people do not let go of the spec sheets for what you're looking at, I said to my wife, "You know, I'm just thinking this might not all fit in the room. Maybe they'll make a copy of the sheets for the stuff we want and I can go home and make up a floor plan and make sure it will fit." The saleslady copped an attitude. I said, "Look, if I go home and diagram the room and have the measurements so I know everything will fit, I'll make a downpayment and place the order today. You must have a copying mahine here, could you at least make copies?" My wife was shocked. Two minutes later we had copies and were on our way. Two hours later I placed my order in N.C. at a savings of over $850.00 from the store's quote. Hey, all's fair in love and furniture buying.
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