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Old 04-17-2007, 08:23 AM   #1
BigFish Bait Co.
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I Pose This Question To You!

I hear on the radio and TV and read in the newspaper about people being critical of how the tragedy in Virginia was handled and what could authorities have done differently to prevent it?!?!?!? Why were they not prepared? Why were they not ready? Why didn't they do this? Why didn't they do that?

Is there anyplace in this country that you think is so prepared that this same kind of thing could not happen?

I can pretty much guarantee you that if I was so inclined to do the same thing that psycho did yesterday, that there would be pretty much nothing anyone could do to prevent it! Stop it eventually maybe but not prevent it! Do you walk down the street on edge expecting a gunman to come out of nowhere and start shooting anyone that moves? This type pf thing can and has happened just about anyplace......high schools, colleges, elementary schools, McDonalds, the work place, Luby's in Texas, shopping malls!!!!

How do you expect anyplace or anyone to be prepared for such a tragic event???

Almost time to get our fish on!!!
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