Thread: 22 dead kids
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Old 04-17-2007, 01:13 PM   #70
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We're looking at colleges now, so this situation is most disheartening as far as letting my teenager go too far away. But are there really folks out there who seriously think the threat will go away by arming the students? I'm wondering if that isn't a step backwards instead of making college campuses safer you're not turning them into Dodge City. I'm dealing with today's high school student right now, and while she's extremely intelligent, she is in no way, shape or manner anywhere near responsible enough to possess a gun, let alone have what it takes to use it, and have her glasses with her, and have the gun loaded and not in the bottom of her backpack in a situation where she might need to. She can't go a week without misplacing her glasses, driver's license, or cell phone and most of her friends are no better. There's got to be some other recourse than arming students and faculty, maybe something like sky marshalls dressed like students randomly walking around campus.
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