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Old 04-17-2007, 02:13 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Flaptail View Post
I work in schools. We had a bomb scare last Monday the 9th that shut down the high school and Junior High for the day.

The State Police came with a bomb sniffing dog. We were informed that the dog was only good for 20 minutes or so then would lose interest. Our facility is 326000 sq. feet.

We are mandated by MEMA (MA emergency mgt assoc.) to have a plan on file for all types of crises scenarios. The plan, by practice works but has a lifespan of only an hour before you get the "too many chiefs not enough Indians" complex (Alexander Haig syndrome)

You try your best to plan for the worst, hopefully it won't come but it might and when it does actually happen you have 1000 plus people to get to safety or protect and seconds to react. Inevitably something will miscue.

Our culture drives this madness. TV, Movies, music videos with violence glorified on every front. Guns, there are just too many on the streets. Something has to be done to track them down and keep them from other than law abiding citizens/sportsmen who carry a license and respect the power they posess.

They are just too easy to obtain, the laws have to be stricter so that if you want to own one you must be able to prove your ability to handle, store and transport them.

America has a gun epidemic and it needs to be reigned in, the illegal trade in stolen fire arms and the states with casual attitudes as to thier rules/laws for obtaining them have to be called on the carpet.

Our culture is our problem. Films with scenes of people involved inn sexual acts are taboo but it's okay to watch Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction and think "wow that was really great" when someone gets blown away in a hail of bullets and blood. I don't get it but thats our problem plain and simple.

Lastly, people snap and these things will happen, it's an unfortunate fact of modern life here in America and other modern industrialized nations. Somehow we must regain control so that the continued degrading of values, now so evident in our schools today, will stop or at least slow down.

America is not really that nice a place is it?
Odd, I have a bunch of guns that never killed anybody, I guess I'm just lucky or bought the good ones? Who the hell are you to tell the people of any other state what their gun laws should be? Did I miss you're being appointed pope?

IMHO the problem with movie violence is that its too sanitized. If they showed what really happens when someone get shot it would bring a lot more reality to the table. How can people get shot and not bleed? It happens in movies all the time.

If it wasn't a gun it would be some dynamite, or C4, or maybe some fertilizer and diesel fuel, does that ring a bell? Blame the person, not the tool. Remember trhe guy in NYC that got pissed off and killed 100+ people with a quart of gasoline, maybe he should have had a gun, then we could have forgiven him?



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