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Old 05-31-2007, 08:14 PM   #4
Certifiable Intertidal Anguiologist
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While technology can provide solutions to individual problems, it is not the be-all end-all throw money and science at issues that have largely plagued mankind due to a lack of leadership.

On the surface, leadership got us into this problem in the invasion of Iraq. Then leadership was at best luke warm with General Franks - after the military operations. Then followed by the leaderships failings in waging a peace an occupation, followed by the problems that required the leadership of Paul Bremmer and the CPA, and every leadership issue that has occurred since then. Many say Patreaus is the leader we need over there now, unfortunately we needed him at the helm before Bremmer's loafers first hit the aircraft stairs.

Would better leadership earlier from Clinton to Bush senior and even Reagan made a difference in what we are dealing with today? Perhaps. But leadership has gotten us where we are today and leadership is what we are truly lacking these days.

This cat was out of the bag long before parents needed to send better armor, baby wipes, or silly string to the front line. Leadership was what was hardly shipped, and now that it may be there, it is too late.

I mourn this soldier's son, and all the sons and daughters. I applaud this man for his honesty and clear conviction. Many of our nation's best and brightest have worn the uniform and many of these accomplished people has stated that leadership screwed the pooch on this one, time and time again....

Rant off

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