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Old 06-04-2007, 02:01 PM   #13
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We have three kids 6 and under and think we have done fairly well so far in raising them. That said, we keep our fingers crossed everytime we step on an airplane or go to a restaurant. No telling when one will have a meltdown and in the confines of an airplane it is very difficult to stop it. The best way to stop a meltdown is to remove the kid from the situation... hard to do at 35000 feet.

For those of you without kids who point the fingers at the "bad" parents who do nothing, good luck if you ever have them. You're in for a surprise.

We prepare for a flight with enough supplies for an army to try and mitigate a meltdown for the benefit of everyone ELSE. Snacks, coloring, bottles, toys, you name it to try and keep them occupied. So far it has worked, but if our 1 yr old gets ear pain from the pressure, none of that works...

So easy to criticize everyone else or say "why bring your kids to the restaurant" ? Tell that to a couple who's only way of getting out of the house is with the kids... for YEARS!
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