Thread: The Sopranos
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Old 06-06-2007, 11:11 PM   #218
Mike P
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Originally Posted by tattoobob View Post
I have a feeling that it is going to be one giant shoot out and the only one left will be Jr. Soprano
If you mean AJ, we last saw him lying on his bedroom floor sniveling like an 8 year old. I think he finishes what he tried to do 2 episodes ago.

Uncle Junior? He surrendered to the inevitable when he caved in and took his meds. He's done. He's never leaving the funny farm.

Sil is supposedly in a coma and not expected to regain consciousness, but the only information on that comes from Paulie, who is likely in Phil's pocket. It's certainly in Phil's--and Paulie's--interests to isolate Tony from Sil. Sil didn't take any bullets in any vital areas that I saw--certainly none to the head. Unless his heart stopped from blood loss enroute to the hospital and brain damage ensued, it's hard to see how he's in a coma. Sil could still play a role in whatever happens.

More proof that Paulie has turned on Tony--Bobby gave him the hit on Phil and it was botched. Paulie was the guy who gave the Italians the supposed address of Phil's mistress. Notice, the hit men were camped right outside the Ukranian ringer's house when he drove up--directly across the street.

Melfi literally closed the door on her involvement, but word is that she appears in the finale. Why? Because she runs to help counsel Tony after AJ finally does himself in?

The previews showed Tony and Paulie driving somewhere in Tony's truck. To an out of the way place where he confronts Paulie over turning?

Tony hasn't been able to think clearly. Melfi dumped him, and his world started crashing around him. When he has a chance to think straight, two thoughts are going to enter his mind--why didn't Phil take a run at Paulie, and exactly how did those Italians wind up in front of the wrong house? Bad news for Paulie.

I still like Tony getting whacked by Phil and Janice doing Phil as the ending. Or Sil arranges a case of lead poisoning for Phil from his hospital bed. Tony would have to give up something to go into witness protection as Finnerty. His orgainization is toast. There isn't enough time left yet for the Feds to build a case, and why would they want the boss of a decimated family now anyway? He could give up Phil, but there isn't enough time to develop that scenario, either. I think that whole Finnerty thing is another of Chase's seemingly significant loose ends that ultimately have no significance. The more I think of it, the more I feel that Tony's going to take a dirt nap.

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