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Old 07-13-2007, 12:53 PM   #1
Fish On
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World Series of still has a horse in the race!

I'm totally on a short stack but I'm actually still in this thing on Day 4. The chip leader has $2.4 million, average stack is $284K and I have $107K. I may not last much longer but it's been a great ride and I've had a blast. after this is over it's back to fishing!

Go to for updates. Look for the guy from Windham, New Hampshire.

Wish me luck!

Here is some info that I've been sending to close friends each day.


Day 3

Well should I give you the good news first or the bad news? OK, let's focus on the positive and start with the good news. Are you sitting down? I made it through Day 3! Incredible as it may seem I played another 10 hours of no limit hold em with a well below average chip stack and finished the day ahead of where I started. I increased my chip count from $98,700 to $107,000. The best news is that the money bubble burst and we made the money! Yes, the bubble burst at 5:30 PM after more than an hour and 50 minutes of hand for hand play. What this means is that when they get close to the money positions, in this case at 635 players (621 get paid), every table plays 1 hand and stops. They don't start a new hand until every single table has completed that hand. So the entire field has to wait for any tables that are involved in big, complex hands to finish those hands before starting a new one. This is so they know exactly who goes out in what position since 622nd gets absolutely nothing and 621st gets $20,300! So in the hour and 50 minutes we played 15 hands believe it or not. It took that long for 14 people to bust out and finally with the last player gone a huge roar ensued and the remaining players all earned a minimum of $20,300! At this point the management announced that they would be adding 60 minutes to the existing level so that the field could have a legitimate number of hands at the level currently being played. This made a lot of sense and was greatly appreciated, especially by those players with smaller stacks of me!

Up until the bubble burst I had played a total of 3 hands during almost 4 ½ hours of play. However, as I mentioned there were only 15 hands played in almost 2 hours during hand for hand play until the bubble burst.

Key hand: The player in the cutoff (seat before the dealer button) open raises. The player on the dealer button folds and I look down at AK suited in spades. I push all in and the big blind goes into the tank. He eventually folds claiming he had AK which I believe. The original raiser takes little time to fold and I rake the pot.

Another key hand: I raised to $13K from early position with 99. the small blind calls and we see a flop of 2,2,5. He checks and I bet $30K. He folds and I rake the pot.

At 6:45 PM there are 550 players remaining and we have all moved up another pay level to approximately $25,000 minimum.

The very next hand: I open raise from middle potion with KK. Both the small blind and the big blind call and the flop comes A, Q, 6. The small blinds leads out with a bet and the big blind calls. Well into the muck go my kings as they are worthless at this point. Both of these players play this hand to the river and end up "all in" at the end. The small blind shows AT for 3 aces (an ace fell on the river) and the big blind shows 66 for a full house and he rakes a massive pot. In this hand the ace saved my tournament life. If not for the ace I stay in this hand, probably reraise all in on the flop and get crushed by the big blind with 3 sixes. This is the only hand that I played the entire day and did not win.

At the dinner break I have $52,500. The blinds will go up after dinner and I will have an M of about 5. Not quite desperation time but very close to it.

The 2nd hand after dinner I reraise all in from the big blind with 22 against a very aggressive player. This is the player that won the huge hand with 66. The raise is about $40K more and creates some fold equity (chance that I will win the pot without a showdown because he folds) especially against this player. Well he folds almost instantly and stated he had A9. My tight image has paid off here and I rake a nice pot.

Another hand comes up and I open raise with AJ and noone calls. I pick up another small pot of antes and blinds but this is helping my lifeline tremendously.

We creep up another level in money to just under $30,000 when the field drops down to 477 players and I continue to hang on. Fantastic!

At 10 PM we have moved up another level to about $35,000! I am in the BB and the dealer button player open raises (by open raise I mean they are the first one to enter the pot). Now this is quite often a steal bet as he has potion on me for all following rounds of betting and this player is somewhat aggressive. I have AJ and push all in for about $45K more. After thinking for a while he calls with A2 suited in spades. This is a huge mistake on his part as he is a huge underdog to any pair and any bigger ace which I have. Well he does not improve and I more than double up! I am now at $103,500.

On the next orbit the small blind open raises for $15K. I am in the Big Blind and reraise all in with AQ. This player gives me the respect I deserve and folds. I am up to $116,500.

At the next break I am still at $101,000 and we have 1 more hour to play for the day. We are basically going to play ½ of the next level and then Day 3 will end. The blinds are going to be $3000/$6000 with a $1000 ante, a huge jump. This basically costs me $18K for each orbit and my M is suddenly just over 4. Again the M is the number of orbits I can play before I go broke unless I play and win a pot.

On the last hand that I play the cutoff seat limps in and calls the big blind of $6K. I have A3 suited in the button and go all in and everyone folds.

With about 20 minutes left of play for the night the tournament director announces that we have passed 351 players remaining and we have all moved up to a minimum of just under $40,000!

Day 3 ends and I have $107,000 chips left. There are 337 players remaining and the chip leader is at $2.4 million. The average stack is about $382K.

So after Day 1 I had $93,800. After Day 2 I had $98,700. After Day 3 I have $107,000. If the story of the tortoise and the hair is true then perhaps I actually have a chance. I'm certainly not taking the fast road anywhere. Let's just keep our fingers crossed, have fun and ride this ride until they kick me off....

It's Day 4, let's see what happens!

Bye for now.

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