Thread: Asking again
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Old 07-24-2007, 04:20 PM   #17
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some more stuff I was wondering about also

Myth 3: We need to get this resolved quickly!
Correction, the Board of Selectmen and the tribe want to resolve this quickly. Union members, people with land to sell, and school officials who see a "golden egg", are also eager to get this done quickly with minimal time for people to study a proposed agreement. Most Middleboro Residents want time to look over a proposed agreement and fully understand all of the impacts before moving ahead. This process has been opaque and rushed like nothing I have seen before. The BOS and Jack Healy have sold land to the tribe without a public hearing. They made an offer to the Mashpee Wampanoag to host a casino again with out public input. And they have made every attempt to finalize this deal without going to a vote. Now they are telling us we will only have maybe 5 days to review a proposed agreement prior to voting on it? The reason the current Board is rushing into an agreement is because after Sept. 29th there will be a new board after the recall election to replace three pro-casino selectmen. If this is such a good deal for the town, why not give time to evaluate and debate it?

Myth 4: We can have a Town Meeting vote on July 28th
The BOS have scheduled a town meeting they can not hope to accomplish. Our IT Director, Mr. Brunelle, stated the two-way video system will not be ready in time for July 28th. Mr. Bond stated there is a distinct possibility the agreement won't be ready by then. They have many logistical issues to work out anticipating a record town meeting crowd including seating capacity, parking, handicapped access, emergency services, and communication. The casino developers have every reason to move quickly, with our premature agreement they can move through the land trust process much quicker and have a much better chance of approval. The Board of Selectmen scheduled a Town Meeting to vote on an agreement they have not finished negotiating and without working out the logistics of such a large meeting.

Why are our Selectmen rushing us through this severely limiting public input and time to study a proposed agreement? We need to have time for public information sessions, public input sessions, a town debate, and proper set up for such a large historical meeting. This has the possibility of changing Middleboro forever, we should be allowed time to have due process, it's in our U.S. Constitution.

Greg Stevens
Rocky Meadow Street

The United States Constitution does not exist to grant you rights; those rights are inherent within you. Rather it exists to frame a limited government so that those natural rights can be exercised freely.

1984 was a warning, not a guidebook!

It's time more people spoke up with the truth. Every time we let a leftist lie go uncorrected, the commies get stronger.
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