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Old 10-23-2007, 04:40 PM   #8
must find the fish
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Originally Posted by fishpoopoo View Post
that's all fine and good.

i'm not terribly worried about China. they have what, 20% of the world's population and 10% of the farmland?

how are they gonna feed their troops if they get no food imports?

there's not enough dogs in all the no-kill shelters in the entire world that could accommodate the hungry mouths in the PLA for even a day.

i couldnt tell if that was sarcasm. since we alll know what asians can do in the name of honor. nothing short of a nuke stops them. but that was when they didn't have nukes backing em up. plus ya gotta remember, californians will roll right over. giving them all those happy californian cows. which make the best cheese. (according to the commercials) new mexico and arizona might be tough, what with all the gun nuts. but they just dont have the numbers. i say they make it half way across the country before hitting the east coaster/southern road block. aka our last stand. just not enough people between cali and kansas. nor time to set up further west than that. unless canada and mexico rushed to our defense... ya know that canadian naval blockade.. and those mexcan storm troopers not dying to get out of unsanitary desert conditions. we really have some poor buffers. considering canada would pulled to europe to cover the eastern fronts in the name of england. we wouldnt really hafta concern ourselve till late with the eastern front. but all thats seperating our nation from china is the ocean and california. and well.. hippies dont hold an automatic assault rifle to well. especially since they are commie sympathizers. i feel bad for all the die hard between here and there but they would be out numbered at least two to one.

our only option pull everything out of the middle east. which be counter productive and give iran/russia complete control of the middle east. russia may even creep into the chezck and back into pre ww1/2 territories. cutting us off from oil for out armored divisions and ships. completely shutting down the "freedom fighters" resistance. i would be scattered militia fighting of the commies. and since gun control law prevent us from arming ourselves to the teeth.. not much we can do. unless you have some military buddies who snuck "some things" back.

i would join if i could get medical clearance but i cant. i feel no fight is more important than the "cold war". but i am put on the side lines. we will see who is crazy for wanting .50's on ever corner of their establishment.

of course bush might actually not piss of russia (doubtful since two years ago you could see putin pissed at press conference) and pull something that in no way resembles how he completely insulted north korea's attempt at peace talks.

There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process. ~Paul O'Neil, 1965
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