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Old 10-23-2007, 08:09 PM   #16
Certifiable Intertidal Anguiologist
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China doesn't have the sealift capacity to guarantee they can take Taiwan, 90 miles off their coast, let alone trudge across the pacific... Invasion off the table. Ten years from now, different story - For Taiwan. We can hurt them militarily a lot more than they can hurt us but we can't invade - not an option on so many levels.

China doesn't have nuclear capability in numbers or accuracy to launch a first strike against us. Interestingly though they are pushing ahead with 3-5 new ballistic missile subs which will give them capability against Alaska and Hawaii if they stay in the only safe waters available to them. Anything outside of that safe sea and they are torpedo fodder.. China's ICBM inventory ain't much thought their next class of land based missiles will reach a lot of the continental US.

The US outclasses anyone in the world in first strike or counter strike though the Russians still have a lot of stuff, some/much if which still works...

China is not much of a nuclear threat and not at all an invasion threat though they will likely be a serious nuclear threat in a couple decades...

China is growing nuts (and all the associated problems associated with feeding that growth). They are increasing the quality of their military while reducing the quantity of junk...

But they can't invade us...

They can surpass us as a World Power down the road a bit if WE, The US, Dems & Repubs, Moms and Dads, continue to do a lousy job with our country and we'll forfeit our place in history - no need for the Chinese to take it from us...

Rant off

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