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Old 01-04-2008, 11:12 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
you think he is going to post it? yeah right.

This forum used to be about sharing ideas and knowledge in a grass-roots hobby where guys were excited to simply go out and catch some fish with some plugs they made. Now everyone is out to make a buck or back stab the other guy who is trying to make a buck. What really kills me though are the guys who are making bucks off of knowledge that was brought to this table under the pretense of 'open sharing'.
Wow Eben
Seems to me you used this forum to sell everything you've ever had your fingers on. Plugs, rubber, glass, tackleshops. Come on
Now I try and bring a revolutionary product that Ive spent thousand$ finding to the plugbuilding community, who probly arent willing to shell the $$$.00 per 5gal, and your gonna pull the righteous indignation bit??
Ive given alot over the years, many golden pcs of info for those willing to listen. Ive given more than Ive taken, I worked hard to find the best of everything
I have every pc of the puzzle. I could literally set up shop and pump 100k lures out this year of the highest quality. And I should what, give this knowledge out so even more people can make money off my blood sweat and tears
No-ones gonna tell you their clear coat and here I'll hand it to you on a silver platter but spotted stripers want to know all the secrets.. How about tomorrows lotto #s too

Last edited by Krispy; 01-04-2008 at 11:25 PM..

Sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. - Morpheus
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