Thread: One fa OJ
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Old 01-08-2003, 05:28 PM   #55
Charlie M
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Originally posted by #^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&
My lures aren't clones of anyone's lures.

Show me the same color patterns and eye ideas on other lures that look like that?
You told me today that your needles and some of your other plugs are either makati blanks or copies. How are they not a clone? It isn't very difficult to tell the difference. How you cut the eyes is so incredibly irrelevant and whether or not they are 3d or stick ones. It is still the same basic shape and weighting.

If you think different cut outs for the eyes are R&D, then it is a shame that you weren't building before there were forums like this where alot of hard work was figured out before you could search for it and t instantly appeared. You had to figure it all out and you effed alot of stuff up. R&D is making dozens of plugs slightly different and tweaking them as you go, whether the shape, weighting, lip, etc.

I have seen tons of different color schemes. I would still say a plug is a copy even if it is a different or new color scheme. Still gonna swim the same. I don't think there is anything wrong with copying. I think there should be some testing period however before selling them. There is a huge difference between making a plug for yourself and making one for sale.

Originally posted by TheSpecialist
It's alway these sophmoric posts that ruin a site. If ya don't like it keep the comments to yourself.
I completely disagree. Once he posts his website, the product is up for criticism. If you are ready to accept all of the suckling, you have to be prepared to accept criticism from skeptics. I think threads like this allow you to see the different opinions of a product and the track record of it. In the end... everyone makes a better product if you are able to take criticism as it is instead of it as an attack.

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