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Old 02-06-2008, 10:25 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by 179 View Post
1. I like keeping MY Money. If you and your lib buddies feel guilty about not supporting the career welfare, drug addicts, sex change candidates, etc, etc types then by all means write a check. I already loose 45% of my income to various taxes Hillary is not getting a penny more.
You know, upon reflection I'd say I have to agree with your thoughts.

Our welfare state has got to end. We're giving food stamps to US military families, tax breaks to an oil industry making record profits and subsidies to help farmers grow corn for ethanol. And this notion of a "safety net" to help someone at the bottom become a more productive, taxpaying self sustaining member of society? Rubbish, it's simply not the American way. The world needs ditch diggers too.

Granted the taxpayer money spent on helping drug addicts recover is extremely small, but if we just let them kill themselves the money could be better put to use to buy body armor for Guardsmen in Iraq or perhaps earmarked to fund a badly needed highway project between Mohall and Upham North Dakota.

The sex change issue really rubs me the wrong way. Yes, again the money here is pretty small, and usually granted by the State rather than the Feds. Also, I guess you should rightly ignore the fact that there are real medically diagnosed disorders regarding to gender, and that many bills to provide such services also cover babies born with multiple sex organs...

But enough of all that. Legal recognition of someone who may be medically transgendered is akin to morally justifying sex with sheep, rabbits and any other member of the phylum Chordata. This slippery slope must be fought will wild abandon lest we all succumb to the gay agenda. Hell soon they'll be legislating homosexuality among our children!

And you're right on that it's your money.

It's not like your opportunity to be successful was built on the backs of others. Servicemen from poor families who fought to keep us free simply because it was the right thing to do, factory workers who have been poisoned or injured to produce the goods that we consume and trade in, wealthy investors risking entire fortunes, service workers living below the poverty line who clean the crap from your hotel room toilet or pick the lettuce for your salad, Middle Class tax dollars that have helped to build your roads, defend you in wars, insure the banks that loan you money, educate your kids, fight to regulate those polluting your children,

I see that you are insulated from the environment in which you live. Is it your money, you've done it all on your own and you owe nobody nothing.

Perhaps more importantly, we need to do everything to keep Hillary from office. Instead we need to preserve the Republican legacy of the Bush Presidency. Extreme fiscal restraint, limited Government power and a foreign policy founded on a respect of rule of law.

Let them libs in office and I tell you, these good times are going to end.

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