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Old 02-28-2008, 10:13 AM   #9
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welcome to the LIGHT

actually we don't need all of 7 to eight hours of Sleep each night

what we need is an absolute four hours of ReM sleep because that's when our chemical factory in our brain and body does it's miraculous work of doing the repair and manufacturing of certain compounds necessary for good health...

the thing is... it normally takes several hours to get into rem sleep mode... (to finally relax) so thats why you need more than 4 hours...
sleep deprivation can be completely avoided if you plan it right..
even power napping helps tremendously ....learning to fall sleep in less than five minutes for a 20 minute Nap..... is a great skill

eating late then trying to sleep is all wrong because digestion is a huge exercise for your internal organs to process all that food.. and it totally interferes with sleep

and if it's JUNK food you just ate....that makes it all the worse because after all food is 50% fat right off the bat... and it's bad (BEEF) fat for you.. COMPARED TO certain fish oils are full of the good type of cholesterol... THATS GOOD FOR YOU

the natural HIGH one experiences at the Ocean is a result of both the fresh air....the scenery and the negative ions created by waves hitting the beach... (lets not forget chicks in bikinis) as well as the promise of catching a fish...

this Natural high can be harvested also from our FOOD as in
what is almost a totally lost ART within our culture as human Beings

and that is raising food for its ENERGY value rather than its vitamin or caloric value... Most of the food we are able to buy now
is categorically DEAD ... yes the food was ALIVE once.


during the warmer months you can visit health food stores and or local produce markets and buy LIVE food that still retains some of its life force energies that we can assimilate into our bodies.

we are walking electrochemical glowing beings... both from emitting heat and life force... (just because it's not outwardly visible doesn't mean it's not there OR DOESN'T EXIST) so when you eat junk FOODS your energy level dwindles...and i'm not talking about the physical energy to walk down the beach... ok...

you can't eat just because you like the taste of that particular food.

thats a bad thing to do yet it is how we are /WERE raised by are well meaning parents unfortunately... because they didn't know ANY better.

that being said.. we can bring along healthier food to eat if we give ourselves proper preparation time to do that....but it takes
allot of self discipline to accomplish it... and many people opt
for the easy way out ... because they are too worried about making
a tide.... or they consider it less important than their health compared to the enjoyment they derive from the total fishing experience.

the other thing i'd like to say in reference to your post...

is that your mental health is directly proportionate to your ability to shed useless baggage of past events that perhaps you made an incorrect decision about... if you can find a way to accomplish this one thing and basically wipe the slate clean and say: this is the new me... and live for living healthy... while you do anything else...then your body will thank you and your sleep will improve bigtime...

life is an ENERGY spiral all i can tell you...
and you are either loosing your energy constantly until your spinning top of a body becomes all wobbly and starts to tip over....or you can maintain that revolution with proper diet.

if you know how to absorb energy from your environment
from sunshine...from negative ions
(they give you a rushing sense of well being) where as positive ions give you a lethargic (lead shoes) can't get off the couch bad attitude)
and from fresh air and enjoyable exercise
you can be spinning so strong that you actually will invigorate other people and they will suddenly feel good from just being around you.

Bill your admission of re evaluating what's important in life (in retrospect after your mid-life health crisis) is a great step towards living your life to the fullest.... and the healthier you can get gives you more opportunity (time) to fish down the road than someone who just lets all cares and concerns fly away with the wind...

- because fishing that day was way more important to them
and thats a very good thing.

Last edited by Raven; 02-28-2008 at 10:18 AM.
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