Thread: Taxes
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Old 03-25-2008, 06:26 PM   #23
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It's widely known, or it should be, that taxes under Bush are some of the lowest ever. While there are legitimate beefs with Bush's economic policy, don't look to taxes to find them.

My opinion is the way to control the deficit is by controlling spending, not taxes. This is where I feel Bush deserves the most criticism, for being way too liberal regarding social spending. Unfortunately I don't think this is going to improve over the next 4-8 years unless all of the current candidates quit now and someone else enters the race. Obviously McCain would be predisposed to spend less, but he's by no means a "Reagan" republican.

The fact of the matter is overall taxes (local, state, sales, etc) are so high because of government waste, corruption, and misuse. Short of building a time machine, I don't think we'll ever change that. They're like anacondas, they only take.

It's interesting to travel around the country and see areas with vastly different levels of state and local taxes, and the relative differences. For instance, some states with high taxes have good roads and schools, but some are worse than states with very low tax rates.

Nebe - Drug test? How about at least checking the social security number to make sure they're citicens. I know for a fact that in my area people get certain social services without any citicenship verification. We all pay for that nonsense.
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