Thread: Taxes
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Old 03-27-2008, 01:32 PM   #7
Great White Scup Hunter
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This was based on where taxes, social security go and what I have seen on how some of it is spent,,, Not what you think I know about the global economy or where you think I have been.

Hell I even asked you what you think was b.s. so I could clarify it.

I never judged you or made some ridiculous comment about something you said as B.S. so before you were so closed minded and judged what I said maybe you should have just asked for some info like I pleasantly offered and if you did not agree kept your opinion to yourself instead of trying to belittle me.

Personally I don't care if you believe it or not. And if you don't thats fine... BUT, just don't think that because the rules say, or you have not read about something in this world that is it not happening and YOU are not paying for it.

I am sure the people that are paid by the gvt to do these jobs are not doing it because you have not read about it and it is not happing,,,, If that was the case I would still be sitting home...

It has nothing to do with all computer programmers not even the fault of people from India nor do I disagree with the number of foreign programmers this country needs. It is because India is one of the countries that account for a majority of H-1bs and lack Totalization agreements because they don't have Social Security systems. Therefore they don't pay SS while on their work visas.

They have just found that this scam was very common amongst the ones from India because of this and lets face it, they are smart (hence computer programmers not cab drivers) being the majority.. They simply found a way through the system, eventually working it to help their parents gain benefits. I never said EVERY programmer is doing it... ONLY that it was a scam and many of the ones that do live well.

The scam for SS is not instant as I put in the update post last night. But I guess you did not read that either and again the people that investigate it don't really exist so they don't collect paychecks from our tax dollars.

As far as the Mexican thing,,,, My girlfriend is a Beautiful Spanish women so that has nothing to do with it. There is no prejudice at all.

Also I think I said that we were carrying people to places other than Mexico... Just is case you have not read, many of the illegals from Mexico that make it to the U.S are flown to border towns (Laredo Texas, El Paso Texas, McAllen Texas) and bussed to the bridge or border then turned over... I don't have specifics on that because I don't drive that bus.

I also said many of the illegals come from places other than Mexico. And since these people are not from Mexico they are not Mexicans . But I guess that was something you did not know or read about...

It was not directed at any specific nationality ONLY the people we have carried. Of those people the majority have committed serious crimes and MANY if not most were child molesters, rapists and sex offenders not to mention theft and drug charges. Since I cannot post the passenger manifest for you to READ then I guess thats not really happening either....

As far as voluntary,,, If that is something you read then great... but last I checked there were no volunteers wearing cuffs and shackles.

Almost all of the people we carried have been arrested by Law Enforcement for CRIMES. We had two women yesterday (non-criminal) and both were raped during their journey to the U.S. One of them so many times she is now a schizo and requires medication and a shrink which the TAX payers have been paying for. The truly poor girl was a mess. Many others pay coyotes thousands for help to get into the U.S., spend roughly weeks making the journey, even tell the agents "see you next time" or "Is this where I make my u turn" when they take them off and you think they just volunteer to go home.... Some even have families still in the U.S. that have not been caught with no means of income.

wow,,, I must really not have clue...

Last edited by GattaFish; 03-27-2008 at 01:49 PM..
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