Thread: Embarassing
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Old 04-29-2008, 01:32 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by RIJIMMY View Post
here we get to the root of it all. These problems exist becasue of opprsssion or because people (regardless of color) dont get off their arses and get to work. Do you know why there are large african american populations in Oakland CA, Coastal Texas and Louisianna? becasue in WWII, thats where the jobs were. They moved to where the could work and support their family. I'd love to move to a warmer climate, but I cannot support my level of living at the salaries offered in other parts of the country...its a choice, so I live in the Northeast. I dont believe ANYONE is oppressed in this country. Hard work and creativity are always rewarded and there are always jobs for those willing to work. ES44 - you give in to the "victimization" that pluages black America, its a blame game and it hurts more than it helps. Look at the history of asian americans, although not 1000X as bad as slavery, many were brought to this country as near-slaves to build the railroads. but through hard work and tenacity, this culture has become a key contributing componenet to America today. There is no need for an Asian Al Sharpton. As much as African AMericans have truly suffered in this country, its time to move on and accept resposbility for our actions, liquour stores, drugs, proverty are all symptoms of a need, stop the need, stop the symptms. Have you every heard Bill Cosby's take? He puts the accountability at the family level. Thats where the solution is
No, there are large populations of blacks in coastal louisiana because the French planters brought them there. Not to mention when New Orleans became a part of the US it was a port of entry for wholesale human cargo, as was Charleston SC and Savannah GA. Pick up your history book. Same goes for Texas my friend. Blacks didnt move to major cities (like Oakland, Philly, Baltimore) until WW1 and later WW2. Ask your parents, thats probably when they moved to Levittown from Bed-Stuy.

And as far as achievement gaps come, they have made unbelievable strides. There has never been an Asian candidate for president. It is just a shame that this Wright is trashing that any hopes for 1st black president who is credible and qualified. Not to mention there are large populations of middle class blacks in Atlanta and Chicago.

And unarmed asians arent gunned down by police (be they black cops or white cops), and Al Sharpton is a parody if you ask me. MLK, Malcolm X, DuBois... those are real black leaders, all exterminated or exhiled....
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