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Old 04-30-2008, 11:37 AM   #8
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interestting... I think things will be ok with Obama or McCain and that is the first time in awhile where there isn't a big problem on one side. Also, last time it was Kerry/Bush and there isn't much worse than those options. I don't see Obama gutting the military any further. I really do not think he is stupid. The military has had its guts ripped apart the last few years and I don't think anyone is going to decrease it. I think the military will be better off in 4 years no matter who of the 3 get in. My Dad (who hasn't voted for a dem president since the 60's) was a big McCain supporter, but also told me recently that his runningmate will decide it for him. He is concerned about age and also thinks there may be something going on cognitively.

No, no, no. we’re 30… 30, three zero.
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