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Old 04-30-2008, 12:15 PM   #11
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: NYC
Posts: 440
I was pro Obama but the more I see how he has handled certain issues I am convinced he is no different than any other politician. It would be nice that once before I die I would like to vote for a candidate I really support rather than the lesser of two evils.
Everyone has made some very good points. For McCain the VP choice will be critical because of his age. Voting for Obama is becoming more difficult everyday because it hard to know where the real guy is. Hillary for me is a non-starter.
I believe Saltheart has it right. It is hard to believe that this is the best the country can come up with but on the other hand if you are a highly qualified executive or academic would you put yourself and your family through the 16 month circus that these people have gone through. The primaries should be a four month season start to finish with cap on spending so whoever wins has some portion of his soul left.
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