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Old 05-01-2008, 11:44 AM   #25
The Dad Fisherman
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See, now your fine tuning....we went from an entire politcal party to 1 member of the military. and in that situation, whether Radical Islam or Commie Sympathiser....its NOT OK....but that is an isolated case......Not one big Stereotype that you were aiming at before

Originally Posted by scottw View Post
Really??? so if a member of the US military harbors radical islamic beliefs, that's ok too...where do YOU draw the line?? is this also tolerance for differing thought, should members of his unit have any concern, you guys are disappointing me...this country was founded on Liberty and Freedom, there's no freeodm associated with Marxism, how many failed examples do you need...Marxism demands slavery to the state, Europe is a mess, their little socialist democracies couldn't make it on their own so they've banded together so suck each others blood for a while, till that runs out, the healthcare model that Clinton and Obama propose is failing miserably in Canada, England and everywhere else, but that doesn't matter, just keep trashing the best healthcare in the world...make everyone dependent on government for everything, that's is the montra of the left...they make it sound real sweet, "don't cry for me America"...always results in great pain...but like I've got a 50/50 shot at Marxist Eutopia....

"If you're arguing with an idiot, make sure he isn't doing the same thing."
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