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Old 05-27-2008, 12:02 PM   #32
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What I love most about McCain, is that he might be a closet card carrying member of Greenpeace. He had this to say on the O'Reilly factor:

O’REILLY: You voted against ANWR drilling. You voted against ANWR.

MCCAIN: Yes, and I’ll vote against drilling if they want to drill in the Grand Canyon, and I’ll vote against it if they want to drill in the Everglades. And I will try to make it more attractive for Florida and California and other states to have drilling off of their coasts, but I’m not going to force them to because…

O’REILLY: But no one lives in ANWR.

MCCAIN: No, it’s pristine beauty.

O’REILLY: So what? Who sees it?

MCCAIN: Well, all I do is believe that we have to preserve some of the great natural treasures of this earth…

O’REILLY: In the Arctic Circle?

MCCAIN: …no matter where they are, my friend. And I…
O’REILLY: You know, a lot of people aren’t going to like that.

MCCAIN: I know a lot of people don’t like it, but I am also an environmentalist. And so was Teddy Roosevelt, my hero. And I believe that there are just some things that you have to…

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