Thread: Mccain..
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Old 06-04-2008, 02:46 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by RIJIMMY View Post
Here we get to the crux of where I disagree Nebe with you and Obama. There is major disconnect on the wealth of this country. The days of old money and privledge are LONG gone. There are very few living off the family trust fund. And those that do, good for them, their families earned it. Obama has defined the wealthy as people making over 250k. Do you think the people that make say 250k to 1 million a year have it easy? They have to work and show results and have loads more pressure than most. I worked with people making big $ for most of my career. I've seen the sacrifices they make and the cost they pay. Yet Obama says, lets tax these people more! Well, these people have more expensive houses, they pay MORE property taxes, they have more expensive cars, they pay MORE property taxes. The more $ they make, the more income taxes they pay. The Obama plan is that teh people who work hard AND SUCCEED, must carry the burdern of those that don't. This country was built on hard work. The government should provide the opportunity to succeed, but not penalize those that do.
I wish I could find the exact quote, but he ended a speech by saying " We need to focus on healing and helping Americans"
I dont need healing, I don't need helping, and quite frankly its not the governments job to be sticking its nose in my business.
you prove good points and i am not disagreeing with you, but the problem with capatilism is the rich get richer as they reap the profits from growth, and the poor get poorer as they have to pay more to fuel those profits. I think Obabma is concerned with that aspect. I really dont know to be honest, but it is an issue that needs attending and I dont see McCain looking out for the little guy.
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