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Old 06-05-2008, 08:56 AM   #30
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reading to your kid at a young age is so important. I always put that as a high priority and read to him for a minimum of 45 minutes before he goes to bed. This is actually why i dont night fish much any more... kid first. Work 2nd. Fishing comes last these days.

No word of a lie, my son who will be 4 in august is reading at a 2nd grade level. When he first started reading I freaked out and thought that he was autistic and there was something seriously wrong with him, which i still do to a much lesser degree.. he's got some hyperlexia going on.. but the fact that I read to him daily and put his needs before mine to make sure he is getting what he needs has helped him immensely. I can not fathom how someone could put a kid in front of a TV all day long after school, shove food infront f them and then send them to bed without spending any quality time with them..
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