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Old 06-08-2008, 08:13 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
We were attacked because a group well financed militant Muslims felt the US was:

1) Behind the Saudi Royal Family who's been very oppressive of their own people (Muslims)
2) Supporting Isreal who's oppressing Palestinian Muslims
3) Ignoring Russia who's oppressing Chechen Muslims
4) Militarily positioned on holy ground

al Qaeda believes the US is the primary hurdle to the establishment of a true Islamic state (in their eyes) and so 9/11 was another in a series of attacks over the past decade to try to get us to but out of the Middle East.

It's really that simple, it's all about our foreign policy. Not because we can have our fries "super sized" and let gay people get hitched.

Bin Laden's indictment of the USA contains a lot of truths, and as such it's been fairly easy for him to gather support from the moderate Islamic base.

To assess reasons why our policy has hurt us is a pragmatic and reasonable action. Perhaps with hindsight we would have done some things differently, and perhaps some of our choices have ultimately let to a net gain for the US and even the World as a whole.

But to call this "blaming America" is really ignoring reality and is simply foolish.

There should be no place for divisive election rhetoric in a real policy discussion, and unfortunately, that's exactly what the current GOP and Administration have done a hundred times over in seek of a permanent republican majority.

And Joe is right, these guys were not cowards. Once again a statement meant only to distract from the real issues.

And they don't oppress their own? They kill other Muslims for not following their version of Islam. The Talban weren't oppressive? How about Saddam, was he oppressive? So we should cave in to Bin Laden and do what he wants us to do? Everyone knows how to sprinkle some truths into an arguement to sound like your correct. Thats what I do.

I think what they do, Strapping bombs on young,kids and women is cowardly. I think boarding a plane and crashing it into a building is cowardly.I think hiding in a cave and letting your group membrs blow them selfs up all over the world to proof a point that you want to make is cowardly. These people have nothing else and that is why they join with the terrorist. Just like the gangs in America. Most of them just do what their told. For 72 virgins, real rational..

Last edited by buckman; 06-08-2008 at 08:20 AM..
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