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Old 06-26-2008, 05:05 PM   #8
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A Truly Despicable Man

George W. Bush:

A leader who terrorized his own people (post 9/11) into granting his administration excessive power.

A leader who wasted tax payer money and sacrificed the lives of his nations’ soldiers to mop up what his daddy started but didn’t finish.

A leader who tried to use the Constitution, the very document his forefathers crafted to give his nation its freedom, as a tool do deny freedom to homosexuals.

A leader who pandered to the industries that allowed him to be elected, more than once, while his nation’s economy crumbled under unchecked corporate greed.

A leader whose administration allowed endangered animals (wolves) to be removed from the Endangered Species List, knowing full well that the states who will assume control already plan to allow the indiscriminate killing of wolves, possibly returning them to the ESL at further expense to tax payers.

Naming a turd processing facility after him is far far too kind for the worst President this nation has ever known.

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