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Old 06-27-2008, 08:11 AM   #15
Canal Junkie
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My sister has an ex-boyfriend who hasnt gotten the hint yet... (partially her fault - she likes to "fix" people)

The first night I met him, he seemed like a pretty rockin dude. He was trying to really chum up to me and part of the conversation was me saying to him he was already better than the last few boyfriends because he had a job...... My sister came up with me on the next beer run and said I had upset him because apparantley he was fired that very day.... FUNNY!... but he was still a nice guy so I gave him 3 months... He also seemed like he "got it" and wanted to work.

I took him fishing twice... The first time, it was just kinda scouting.. so I didnt care.... The second time... well right then and there it was pretty obvious to me it wasnt going happen again... He failed my fishing test big time.. I wanted to beat him with my boga and sell him to the cambodians at the stone bridge for tautog bait. Just way too immature.... but still he seemed to treat my sister right...

Then came my sisters 30th birthday...I asked him the simple question of what he got her.. He was basically living with her, was calling her his "wife" so I thought it was an honest question.. He got SO pissed... that he got in a fight with my sister about it and almost broke up... We paid for my sister to go to dinner.. She had to pay for him and didnt get her anything...

At about the 2.5 month point.. my sister started having some reservations about him... I hadnt said a word.. If she was happy it was her business... But she opened up the can of worms, so I definitely let her know what I thought.. Regardless of how the guy treated her, the guy wasnt working.. didnt want to work.. didnt want help finding work.. turned down almost a guaranteed thing at verizon.. etc... I told her it was time to move on

She did.. he cried.. he is a HUGE internet whiner.. I wish his myspace page was public... its really a hoot to see his whines...

Then he called me out.. basically said I was nosey and shouldnt put my nose where it didnt belong.. That he was nothing but respectful to my sister and I had no idea what was going on... Wow was he right... it seems between the hours he put into my mothers garden to kiss ass and the hours he spent not working.... He spent all the remaining time constantly trying to pressure my sister into doing some very naughty things...

So now I am not happy... He knows I am not happy but doesnt know I know the latest details...

So... maybe we can work something out here.... a little trade of solutions?

aim: SaltedBrian
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