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Old 07-09-2008, 09:00 AM   #19
Mr. Sandman
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Fact: He has 143 days "experience" in the senate. He has also has no military experience and is running for commander in chief? You can do no better that that?

Most of elderly in this country (60+) will not vote for a black candidate ever. This makes up a huge portion of those that vote.
Many say they will vote for him but when it comes time to pull the lever they will go with McCain-Romney ticket. (that is my bet)

The inner city vote will go obama. However as the libs rediscover each voting season, the country is made up of a lot of red states in the middle.
I have listened to Obama closely and he is a flowery speaker but most of the time says very little of substance. Change and hope and terms like that are nice at the stump but exactly what change? He constantly props himself up by throwing rocks and not detailing what he would do. OK I get the pulling troops out of the mid east but how do you plan to maintain stability with no one there? In essence he thinks we could become friends with these killers and by dialog we can convince them to be kind to others. I think he is naive, frankly and prefer like the peace thru strength approach, instead of the go away and ignore what others do. Clinton did that and IMO it brought us 911. He did nothing on the first attack on the trade towers and did even less when the USS Cole was attacked. Doing nothing is not a response. You need to take serous action. The entire concept of a displaying a carrier group and support ships off the coast of a trouble making country is to put the fear of Allah front and center of the leadership to persuade them to do the right thing without even firing a shot....but you could if you had to.

Increasing taxes now, no domestic drilling, a vague nationalized health-care plan that will never materialize and an even vaguer ideas on how to deal with illegal immigration, no energy plan except to stick with no drilling and develop alternatives ( but is naive on how long this will take or how to do it and is anti nuclear) ... and a commander in chief with no military experience whatsoever will kill this "messiah" of the liberal party.

Lastly, I honestly think he changed his religion because he wanted to run for office. He was born a Muslim, he went to muslim schools and practiced Islam. He then changed to a "progressive" black "christian" church that hates America and everything it stands for. He then denounces that church and its minister because it is effecting him in the polls. His wife is not proud to be an American and has never been proud.....yeah, I'll take the McCains over that any day. Besides Cindy M would be a pretty cute first lady.

Finally, If Osama Bin Laden and any of the Al qaeda leaders could vote in the election, they would vote for Barrack Hussein Obama, no question. Think about it before you pull that lever.
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