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Old 08-21-2008, 08:18 AM   #1
sick of bluefish
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OMG - another Obama rant from RIJ

Just read this on CNN, how INCREDIBLY biased is this????

FROM CNN’s Jack Cafferty:

The polls indicate the presidential race is tightening.

CNN’s latest poll of polls shows Barack Obama leading John McCain by just one point — 45 to 44 percent. That’s down from a 3-point lead in yesterday’s average of polls and down considerably from a few weeks ago.

While Obama was vacationing in Hawaii last week — McCain had the stage almost all to himself. Suddenly the Russians rolled into Georgia and McCain was in the catbird seat. Also some of McCain’s negative ads — a la Paris Hilton and Britney Spears “celebrity” spot — seem to have resonated with voters. And it looks like McCain made inroads with some members of the Republican base with his interview at Rick Warren’s church.

All of this creates a problem for Barack Obama who has gone out of his way to run a positive campaign based on the issues, and for the most part has chosen not to engage in the schoolyard stuff that characterizes U.S. politics. He may no longer have that luxury.

Once again, I'll get slammed, but here I go. SO Obama....might need to go negative?
Duh,,,,, what the hell is THIS>>>

And McCain gained ground from his interviews at Rick Warren's church.......nice try CNN to tie him to the wacky Evangelical right, but Obama was ALSO at Rick Warren's church and he sounded like a moron! When asked simple questions he blah blah'd his way through it and never made a point. McCain was clear and concise on the same questions.

This is pure f'in media bull$hit. Somehow Spence will tell me I am crazy but the CNN article is an absolute LIE. Obama is sinking in the polls because he now has to stand up and be a candidate. Its not him against evil Hilllary.
Just for the sake of argument, I am not a McCain supporter, just a hater of the liberal biased, Obama loving, media

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