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Old 09-02-2008, 09:31 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by likwid View Post
I'm tired of the same war monger idiots running the show. I don't want to think of more of this crap starting up and my friends or family or eventual children having to be drafted. I don't want to see people in office who couldn't give a damn about the environment and would rather pander to some multinational mining company than save the people they claim to have as 'family'.

2 more grunts died and 3 more were injured the other day. For what?

There comes a point where enough is enough.
And had McCain been president HE would have been smart enough NOT to go into Iraq. Many were duped into the WMD bit (sh t, I believed it too). Bush was (is) an IDIOT. ID TEN T to the core. BUT we (the US) broke it and we (the US) have to fix it. The ramifications are too high not to try, the ramifications are too high to FAIL. To pull the troops home before its time is a disservice to these guy - AS BAD AS GOING IN THE FIRST PLACE! Or the colossally effing up of L Paul Bremmer, Rummy, and Franks and their underlings.

Bush junior screwed up MAJOR, at length and repeated but we CAN'T walk away from there too early of the bleep really hits the fan. I would love to see Bush impeached, I'm still likely going to vote for McCain. Just wish it was 8 years ago.

Yet, time and time again I hear the extreme politico left state that McCain is going to repeat the last 8 years and that it is just more of the same. Personally, I do not believe that and I find the rhetoric coming from the left as distasteful as what comes from the right, more extreme as you get to the extreme.

Barry Obama ain't my guy. Biden I might have voted for. McCain I like and the added bonus is that with a DEM controlled congress and a Republican controlled Executive, neither the Tight Arsed Uber Conservative Religious Right can screw up my country nor the whacko-glue sniffin, Code Pink Marching Recreate 60Friekin'8 can SERIOUSLY screw up my country.

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