Thread: Palin's speach
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Old 09-04-2008, 09:29 AM   #40
sick of bluefish
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OK -
you asked Bryan and I like you. This will get preachy, but its my swan song.
Everyone needs to make a list of things that are important to them. Many of the social issues are very low on my list. I dont feel strongly either way on abortion.
I dont care too much about the religious crap unless as you state, it becomes THE purpose of policy.
I value MOST of all, the american spirit. The drive to succeed, courage in the face of adversity, no BS, no focus on race, but on people.
She is a mother, a VERY hard job, she worked in tough jobs. Unlike Obama and Biden, she worked for a living, she could fail, lose her home, not provide food for her family. Obama's work has been about obtaining grants and public funding and like Biden, a career politician. I dont like the career politician thing. So thats point 1.
Point 2 - I really, really like woman leaders. The best people I have ever worked for were strong woman, she reminds me a lot of them.
Point 3 - International - I can see her (much like Obamans supporters see him) on the Internatinal stage and delivering a SOLID representation of America. She is not George Bush.
Point 4 - Balls, there is no doubt to me she has them.
Point 5 - again, my unfair comparison between her and Obama , If I was hiring someone, I lead a project management team, who would I hire if I interview Palin and Obama? Who to me is someone I can talk to and they would listen? Obama reminds me of the bad bosses I had, where the have the answer before you ask the questions and think they know more than you. I dont get that from her.
Point 6 - I think her inexperience is a good thing (much like Obamas supporters) and I think can lead. She has the poise and delivery of a leader.

For the record, I am far from right wing - I am for gay marriage, for the legalization of weed, for the separation of church and state.

So, as an independant, that why she appeals to me. Leadership presence, ballsy woman, family woman, non-career politician.

Have fun tearing me apart.

making a kinder, gentler place for all
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