Thread: Palin's speach
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Old 09-04-2008, 11:40 AM   #55
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Posts: 440
I think it is kind of early to weigh in on her abilities after hearing her give one speech the majority of which she did not write. I am going to keep an open mind about her until the debates and we will see how good she does in a less scripted setting. Although I am for Obama, previously I would not have shed too many tears if McCain was elected. I am kind of concerned that McCain, who says he is a man of principle, backs down from his choices for running mate because of pressure from the far right and then appoints someone that he has only spoke to for an hour.
Maybe in his mind he does not contemplate his own passing but to make a snap decision about the possible future of the country has me quite concerned.
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