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Old 09-15-2008, 02:18 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
I said the planet hasn't warmed since 1998, that's the baseline that the left uses to point to the begining of the end, there is some controversy over the "Hockeystick" but that might be too confusing for you...we have been cooler since 1998 despite an overall increase in CO2 since then, there are more than a few scientists that are now predicting an overall cooling of the planet, have you been outside??? Sunspot activity, or lack there of being one of the culprits for both the current cooling and the spike in 1998 but overall we're heading in the opposite direction from the alarmists claims which is why "climate change" is now replacing "global warming", that way they can get ya coming or going...are you sure your GPA was that high?
This really should be another thread, buthere we go..

More than a few scientists is not the consensus.
Show me the science. I don't have the time or desire to dig through boks and references in scientific journals and post it. You would just accuse the authors of being communists anyways

Sunspot was in vouge to argue against climate change a few years ago. Pretty well proven it does not account for the changes measured in recent (century scale) changes. Prior to anthropogenic CO2 forcing solar may have had a measurable impact, but that is overwhelmed by the present CO2 effects.

Climate change has always been the term I've preferred BECAUSE global warming is too simple, the earth does not 'have a fever' but it will cause significant changes in temperature, precipitation and other climatatic events. It is larger and much more complex than that.

The 'Hockey-stick' was refuted (by a mathematician who worked for an oil consulting firm) and then further supported by the original Author (Mann) and other studies.

Go to URI 23 Sept. Mike Mann will be talking all about climate change.
Ask him about the hockey-stick then.

Where is the trend of global cooling??

Show me the science Scott.


Originally Posted by #^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&
"For once I agree with Spence. UGH. I just hope I don't get the urge to go start buying armani suits to wear in my shop"
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