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Old 10-10-2008, 10:04 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
He's even more rambling and incoherent than McCain at times....

Hehehe - he's always been that rambling though a little less Aloof than Obama

The point was, go out and vote for your conscious, not for someone that your grandkids told you to vote for.

I'm going to drift a little off topic for a moment before coming back on topic.
Last spring, my son, now in second grade, kept coming home from school with his teachers telling him to convince his parents that voting for Obama was the way, that Obama would be the next great president. He couldn't name any other candidates running (this is understandable - he was in first grade). He was shocked and surprised when when I said I was probably not voting for Obama. He then asked why I would not vote for the first Black President. I don't think he meant that in a racial tone as he does not understand a racial tone. We do not raise him to have a racial tone.
I had to explain to him that you don't vote for a president because he can be the first Black President, or he can be the first this or the first that. IMO, you vote for someone because they are the most qualified and that someone is the best choice for President.
I am not convinced that Obama can be the best choice for President, now. I feel he possibly could be a good candidate with another decade under his belt and with a better understanding.

So before I get relegated into a whacko-right as I have been called in the past I am an independent, which in RI is unaafiliated. I vote Dem & Rep. I voted for Bush Senior, Clinton, wrote in McCain once, and never voted for W.

I also think that McCain would have been best 8 years ago and that we would not be in the stink we're in now with W & Cheney et al had McCain won the last time around in 2000.

I'd rather see Biden president -v- Obama because I think Biden is more qualified.

So coming full circle, the point I was trying to pass along to my son was that what I am going to do and what I encourage him to do when he is old enough, is to independently make up one's mind to vote for the person they will feel will be the best President for America. Do not bend to the flocks & masses that pull a lever along a party line. Do not vote for a candidate because a particular interest or group asks you to, vote for who YOU think is the best person for the job AFTER you research the candidates.

At this time, I do not feel that Obama is that person, he may be with a lot more seasoning first, and for a chance to see his record - a real record - after more maturation.

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