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Old 10-22-2008, 04:55 PM   #14
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You agree with this 100%??!?!?
wow. i'm saving this for future use....

Originally Posted by RIJIMMY View Post
.... I agree with this article 100% and I bet you do to. My response though is not to turn 180 degrees to Obama, but to think the middle of the road is the best option. Before this campaign, McCain was ALWAYS seen as a moderate and someone who agreed freqeuntly with the Dems.

Bush for the Obama Dilemma

Friday, October 10, 2008 10:16 AM

By: John LeBoutillier Article Font Size

Yesterday at a McCain-Palin rally in Waukesha, Wis., someone asked McCain, “Many of us in this crowd are furious . . . we’re wondering how did we get here . . . how can a man like Barack Obama be on the verge of being elected president?” Here is the answer to that question: If the Bush administration had been competent and honest, Obama and his problems with ACORN, the Rev. Wright, and Bill Ayers would never have been given a chance politically.

In 1999 and 2000, the Bush political operation seized control of the Republican Party and bought off the conservative movement. They put up George W. Bush as the new "savior" — the “son of Reagan” they called him. They orchestrated that spectacle with every local politician from all over the country traipsing down to Austin to “beg” Gov. Bush to run for president, and he was elected as the new conservative hero.

But his presidency has been anything but conservative. In fact, it has been the most incompetent, dishonest, and un-conservative administration ever.

Just look at these few items which, if done by a Democrat, would have brought calls from us on the right not only to impeach him, but to imprison him for life:

He ignored the “Bin Laden Determined to Attack US with Hijacked Jets” CIA memo.

He pledged to get Osama bin Laden “dead or alive” — a pledge still unfulfilled seven years later.

He lied, distorted, and cherry picked U.S. intelligence to scare the hell out of a nervous American people after 9/11 to justify a pre-emptive invasion of a country that had not attacked us. And then lied to create a link between Saddam and bin Laden so as to justify this invasion, when the real reason was a takeover of American foreign policy by neo-cons and payback by G.W. Bush because Sadaam had “tried to kill my dad” as he told member of Congress when he lobbied their vote for the resolution authorizing force.

He mismanaged every aspect of the war in Iraq.

He drained the U.S. Treasury of $650 billion on that war.

He lied to the Republican Congress about the true cost of a new entitlement, the prescription drug benefit under Medicare, hiding an additional $400 billion in order to secure passage.

He ran up huge annual deficits.

He exerted not one drop of fiscal control over runaway federal spending — under a supposedly conservative Republican Congress!

He federalized education and passed No Child Left Behind with Teddy Kennedy, a total flop of a program. We do not believe the federal government should be running high school education!

He showed true ineptitude in dealing with Hurricane Katrina.

He stated at every turn how we might bomb or attack or invade any country who dared to disagree with us.

He destroyed the good opinion of America around the globe.

He expanded the scope and power of the federal government at every turn and tried to turn the executive into a power unto himself.

New we face one massive bailout after another — over a trillion dollars — with talk of nationalizing banks and other industries, thus causing the headline today in the Wall Street Journal today asking: “Are We Having Socialism Now?”

So, to my fellow conservative in Waukesha — and everywhere — you wonder why are we here, with a lefty like Barack Obama on the verge of becoming president? The answer is that you helped the nation to choose, quite reluctantly, the opposite-of-Bush candidate: Barack Obama.

The voters can’t stand the thought of another four years like the past eight, so they will roll the dice, despite Ayers and Rev. Wright and ACORN, and try something different.

i bent my wookie
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