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Old 10-23-2008, 10:53 AM   #30
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Seperation of church and state, isn't that called for in our constitution?

The Christian fundamentalist movement is a business, a money making machine, Creflo Dollar (I just luv that name) preaches that through his ministry and being born again it wil bring your prosperity thriough Christ in the form of spiritual healing and manifest itself into personal wealth meaning money and material things. It sure has worked for him, he lives in a multi million dollar home(s) and drives a couple Rolls-Royces, 1000 dollar suits and 12000 dollar watches.

Praise Jesus Y'all!!!!!'

If this country, as Jerry Falwell wanted is someday under the control of Born again Christian Fundamentalists then kiss free thought goodbye, kiss privacy and free speech goodbye, independent thought in based on scinece fact rather than religious science fiction.

If that happens I ahope I am either dead or able to leave, in sadness, what was once this great nation.

Christian fundamentalist takeover of the goverment is equal to what Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida wnat for Saudi Arabia, Afgahnistan and other middle east countries.

The bible, though it has some good lessons on a few things is for the most part a fable, deived from some ancient text and perverted into what ever was needed and however it could be said to control large parts of a mostly uneducated population in the middle ages and since it worked then is still mostly unchanged since.

Feed then to the lions while it is not to late.

I know God, and this isn't the way he planned it.

Why even try.........
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