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Old 10-24-2008, 06:56 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman View Post
What Leap??? This is exactly what was posted in the 1st post of the thread.

I'm pretty sure the whole basis of this post...and Thread is about basing your decision on your religious beliefs.
no, you assume that he can't vote for Obama because his religeon but in fact he won't vote Obama because of his "value system" which happens to be Christian in it's roots and a large part of who he is...

can you define it or do you just play it by ear...

I don't oppose abortion or gay marraige because my "religeon" instructs me to...I oppose them because I believe that they are wrong regardless of religeous influences....

Are you like Nebe and think noone should tell anyone else what to do or how to live their about juvenile...a functional society dictates that this be done to some extent, the argument is all about where the lines should be drawn on various issues...much easier to tell those that disagree with you to keep their values to themselves than to have to debate the merits of your own....

this is the game that the secular left plays with the whole "Separation" need to leave your religeon at the voting booth door and therefore in many cases your value system out of your voting decisions???

Your secular value system is somehow more legitimate than my Christian based value system??? Oh, that's use your brain and I don't think, I just do what I'm directed to do my my "religeon"....

I sit a few feet away from our Senate Majority Leader at church each week, we are not likely to agree on many issues and vote very differently in the voting booth and I assume we both vote based on what we deeply believe however different, the fact that we both vote in opposite directions tells me that our "religeon" has not dictated our decisions...I can't ever remember our Church giving any voting instructions.....but I bet Obama's church is giving plenty....

the left would say that our esteemed SML did not bring their "Religeon" into the voting booth and that I in turn did....this allows them to delegitimize my vote in their minds....sneer and look down their noses at those that they perceive as voting strictly as they are instructed to by their "religeon"....

DAD....."and I bet if I went to my Priest and said I voted for somebody that supported abortion and wanted to be excommunicated.....he'd try his best to talk me out of it.

This whole thread is about letting Religion dictate who you vote for"......

if you approach your Pastor and stick out your tongue and tell him you voted for someone that supports infanticide and want to be very well might get excommunicated...
if you are honestly seeking forgiveness or'll probably get that as well.....

lot's of religeous bigots out there...
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