Thread: Bailing out GM
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Old 11-11-2008, 05:49 PM   #11
Backbeach Jake
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My thoughts: GM refused to put an affordable, high mpg car in their showrooms, thus helping to cause this oil fiasco we have now. (sure prices seem low now but we all know that it is nowhere near over). They could have had a "Smart Car" but noooooo.
They have rewarded their execs far beyound anything that resembles performance. Being paid bonuses of hundreds of millions for steering the ship into the rocks is just dopey.
The jobs lost are the trumpcard and they know it. But if those jobs can go to "greener" manufacturers then the trump card is toilet paper. Take the bailout money and invest in greener companies.

I'm a lifelong GM buyer, but enough is enough. Never bought a foreign badged car or truck. Did own an F-250, but the same sentiment goes for Ford. See-Ya!

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Thomas Paine
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