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Old 11-17-2008, 06:00 PM   #25
Certifiable Intertidal Anguiologist
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Ahhh, the lure of Dive Bars, augmented by years of throwing Darts..

Well, home above all homes would be the good ole Father's Too (now called PJ Kilroys - I was there for the, uhh, transition) on Beacon just outside of Kenmore.

Not only did I (1) imbibe there frequently, I (2) shot B then A league darts (Team Too Drunk), I also (3) worked the door there for a few years. Almost quitting when Glen Foley was buying drinks for his O'Line after beating N.D. (best way for a BC Athlete to get hammered and not get caught? Go to a BU bar). I had a good bit to do with a lot of the dart plaques up on the wall. Most of my roommates worked and/or shot darts there. Of course after closing for the night, a stop at Riley's Roast Beef for a Suicide Sandwich was in order.

Any place that would have Mr Butch call it home was a dive bar. Anyone remember Mr Butch? If you did Kenmore in the 90s, you knew Mr Butch.

Home, home town: Old Mill Cafe, East Dedham

Honorable mentions frequented:

Gerlandos - Brighton, worked there too. (new location, shot darts at old brick location)

Wallabys in Newton, not a dive bar per se but a home for Mushes - Any Moushes here?
Smaxies II

Additional Dive bars, dart related:

What TDF said about Lynn. We would hit some of those when playing City finals (we were often in city finals).

Murphys Place
Fathers First
Great Scotts (upscale for us)
Hapers Ferry - awesome blues club

Linwood in Fenway

Scary Anne's

Bow & Arrow
Joey Macs ( or was that Somerville?)

Rosebud - eh Patrick?

Chalet Club
Parkway Pub

Upstairs Downstairs
Centre Village (home of the Irish Flyers)

Peter - I'll echo Triple O's in Southy and raise you Quiet Man's Pub
Worst dive bar I can't remember the name

Honey Fitz

Matt's Villa

Dee Dees
Washington Tap

Hottie Patrols:
Daisey Bukes
Beacon Hill Pub
Back Bay Pub
Maxwell Jumps

~Fix the Bait~ ~Pogies Forever~

Striped Bass Fishing - All Stripers

Kobayashi Maru Election - there is no way to win.

Apocalypse is Coming:
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