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Old 12-18-2008, 09:33 AM   #8
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wow, I waited a while to see if you hit the softball out of the park and no contact....hummmm...that was a Christmas present too...
are you just grumpy because it's snowing like crazy in Las Vegas?
Everyone seems grumpy....
whose personalities have I mocked? it's not like I'm the one telling others that the must be smoking crack or that they are either on or need drugs or professional help or suggesting that they are making the world more "crappy"....still don't get that.....please tell Spence Junior that I'm sorry for crappying his world...I love you Spence, you are my buddy...we could be like the Odd are the really neat guy...I'll be Oscar...
I actually thought your shot at me about the Hannity doll was pretty funny and I was proud to see you attempt a little humor...I didn't whine about the Anti-American thing or call you McCarthy....personally, I'm not a big Hannity fan but maybe Laura Ingraham and Elizabeth Hasselbeck dolls for a threesome would be outstanding...maybe Ann Coulter but I can't stand her voice...
beats the lefty threesome...let's about a Rosie O'Donnell, Madeline Albright and Hillary blow up doll contingent....yuck...
now I know why they're always depressed on the left....

my advice is don't worry, be happy


there may be a bit of pain as Obama said till he gets things going and redistributes that trillion bucks and socializes and nationalizes all of the economy but that won't take long once everyone is on their knees.....we know that you have to tear it all down before you can build it all back up but in the end we'll be living in the greatest Socialist Kyoto Compliant Utopia on earth...we will finally be just like Europe....I see no reason for gloom among those that seem gloomy...just be patient...there's nothing to stop them now....I do wish that Franken had won(althought he still might steal it) and that Saxby had lost (that damn Sarah Palin) giving the dems 60 seats in the senate because THEN we could really get what we deserve and there would be not a Republican in sight to blame if things happen to go awry....I still believe in America!
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