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Old 01-04-2009, 01:10 PM   #32
sean curry
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 67
I have been to Israel. Jews and Arabs do live in peace there. 24% of the Israeli population in Arab. I am not including Gaza and the West bank. They live, work, go to school together, just like here. My cousins neighbor is an Arab, and serves in the IDF (Army). For Jews service is manditory, for non Jews is is not.

The United States has been by far the largest supporter of the Palistinian people. We have given 2.4 Billion dollars in aid since 1993. No Arab country even comes close to that. We have built Schools, Hospitals, water treatment plants. We have not done everything right, but we have put our tax payer money where our mouths are. No other country has done better.

It is kind of funny that some of the Arab countries have enough extra dough to build Islands in the ocean in the shape of palm trees.......Gee, I wonder if some of your poor cousins in Gaza could use a hand???

Most Jews in Israel are just like us. 99% of my relatives are moderate. I must admit that one of my cousins and his children, are what we would call in this country, "religious nut jobs". We were all at my cousins wedding in Philly this fall. It was almost impossible to have a political conversation with them. They really belive they are the "chosen people"! I just gigilled and told them that the U.S.A. was,......just look at the last 100 years.

I asked how they viewed the U.S. and George Bush? Their anwser was very negative. I am a liberal democrat, but, he is my president, and the majority on my countryman voted for him! Yeah Right! America Sucks!!!!!!......, except when you compare it to everywhere else!!!!!

I don't know how to fix this. I wonder if anyone does? I think it boils down to hatred. I think you have to be taught from birth or while young, that all people,.... Arabs, Jews, Blacks, Whites, Asian, Hispanic, Native Peoples, Men, Woman, Etc. are equally intelligent, just, and need to be respected. Once you really believe that in your heart, the rest will be easier.

Just look at America...., We are the most ethnically and religiously deverse people in the world. We are also the strongest, most productive, most free.

Funny how that works.

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