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Old 01-04-2009, 02:03 PM   #1
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Location: Grafton, Ma
Posts: 505
spook tail weight ?

Turned out a bunch of proto spooks last night. Seeing that the water around here is pretty hard I just configured them all a little different and am going to finish them and play with them in the spring. I tried different weights, line ties, etc. Anyway as I was playing around I was trying to figure the difference in tail weights.

Trying to determine how the action will differ if the weighting is the same (meaning both slight tail down) but one is tail weighted and the other 2/3rd's down. The only thing I can think of is that the 2/3rd down belly weight will keel the lure more?? Maybe a little more glide? I would think the tail weight will push the front of the lure around a bit more and create a tighter walk?

Any thoughts on the differences? (I'm talking tail weight only, not double weighted spooks)
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