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Old 01-19-2009, 05:05 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by buckman View Post
The anthrax attacks were the product of a crazy domestic scientist.Your point? Cheney hiding under his desk? What?

Thats the best analogy akin to the war on terror I have ever seen in print.
Well let me try and break down the reasoning for you.

Conclusion: George Bush should be praised
Premise: Because no terrorist attacks have occurred since 9/11

Conclusion: The Dept of public works salting efforts this winter should be praised
Premise: I have yet to loose control of my car in a snow storm and slide onto someones front lawn.

What I want you to take away from this is simply, could there not be alternate reasons why I did not loose control of my automobile that have nothing to do with the Department of Works. Perhaps maybe the fact I drive an audi and have 4WD.

...And could the same parrelel be drawn between Bush as the reason there has not been a terrorist attack since 9/11. There are a host of correlating variables that come into play when delegating credit for why there has not been a terrorist attack since 9/11 and to append this in its entirety to Bush's legacy seems a bit premature, if not sophomorish. Kind of like your post I'm responding too.

Like I said before, the %$%$%$%$ is a weak premise.
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